
Detailed Conference Program

The detailed program of  MRLA2021 meeting can be downloaded below. Some missing details, which were not yet announced (e.g. the titles of some of the lectures) will be updated soon. Please note, that some minor changes are still possible.

Detailed Program of the Conference


Conference proceedings

The preliminary version of Conference Proceedings can be downloaded here. Please note that the final version, which will appear after the Conference, can contain more works. If your work was not yet included, or was misplaced, plese contact us.

Conference Proceedings


Special Session

MRLA2021 will be the first opportunity for exploring cooperation between TC304 , TC309 and ELGIPwgTI (European Large Geotechnical Institutes Platform working group on Transport Infrastructure).

The special session during MRLA2021 aims to serve as a forum for researchers and practitioners that are interested in applications of their methods in probabilistic site characterization as well as in risk assessment applied to transport infrastructure.

Special Meetings

During the MRLA2021 separete and joint meetings of the TC304 and TC309 and ELGIP are going to be held.